How to Get the Whirlwind Axe in Classic Warcraft

Whirlwind Axe is one of the best weapons you can get while leveling in Classic World of Warcraft. The weapon is available for warriors only once they hit level 30. To get this weapon, you have to journey through a series of quests, which can be quite overwhelming, so we will try and break it down into simple and easy to understand steps
Step One: Level 30 and Berserker Stance
In order to start the quest chain, you first need to reach level 30 on your warrior. Once you reach level 30, a class quest calledThe Islander will be available to pick up from any warrior class trainer.
The Islander quest will send you to Fray Island, which is located in the Barrens just southeast of Ratchet. See screenshot below for reference:
The quest chain on Fray Island is fairly straightforward, use your cooldowns wisely, and make sure you have a decent weapon and perhaps an additional health pot available. You have to fight a few enemies brawl style. The last enemy you will fight is named Big Will, after defeating Big Will he will have a quest available called The Windwatcher, this is the first quest to receive your whirlwind weapon.
Step Two: Start the Whirlwind Quest Series
The next step we really recommend you get a few more levels in, unless you have some friends available to help. The Whildwind quest chain requires you to kill mobs between level 35-39, so might be a better use of your time to gain a few levels before continuing.
Once you have The Windwatcher quest, it will lead you to Bath’rah the Windwatcher who is located north of Hillsbrad Foothills in Alterac Mountains. Turn in the quest and take the follow-up called Cyclonian.
Location of Bath’rah the Windwatcher
Step Three: Collect Materials
The Cyclonian quest requires you to collect materials from different areas in the world. You have to collect the following:
30 Bloodscalp Tusk
8 Liferoot
1 Essence of the Exile
Bloodscalp Tusk drops from Bloodscalp Trolls located in Stranglethorn Vale. Collecting these and Essence of the Exile are the most time consuming parts of the quest. The trolls are between level 33-37, so you should be somewhere between that before doing this part.
You can find the trolls north of Stranglethorn Vale in the different camps marked on the map above.
Liferoot and Essence of the Exile are both obtainable through the Auction House, but Essence of the Exile can be really expensive. Liferoot can be collected by a herbalist around the world, and they are not that rare, so we suggest you just buy these from the Auction House, they are worth the investment for sure.
If Essence of the Exile are not that expensive, we suggest you also buy these, as farming them can be very time consuming, and the time is overall better spent just leveling instead. However, if they are very expensive, here is how to farm them.
First you need to head over to Arathi Highlands, where there are three different areas where you have to kill three different kinds of elemental mobs. You need to farm the following to create to Essence of the Exile:
8 Thundering Charm
8 Burning Charm
8 Cresting Charm
When you have them all, you turn them in at the cauldron located back at Bath’rah the Windwatcher in Alterac Mountains. Here is the location of the different elementals:
The reason we suggest doing this step last is for two reasons. First, you are closer to the quest turn in and second, these mobs are level 38-39, so they can be a real challenge, especially for a warrior.
Step Four: Turn in, fight and get loot
Now that we have all the materials collected, we head back to Bath’rah the Windwatcher in Alterac Mountains and complete our turn in. The next quest available is called The Summoning, this quest is the last step to get your weapon, but in order to complete it you need to kill a level 40 elite. Obviously this can be quite the challenge, especially if you are doing the quest at a lower level, so bring a few friends, or if you are close to level 40 yourself, make sure you have a good health potion and cooldowns like Retaliation ready at hand.
Once he is dead, he drops an item called Whirlwind Heart, which is required to turn in the quest, so don’t forget to loot him. Upon turn in you will finally be able to pick your new weapon. You have three options:
It is generally recommended to pick the Whirlwind Axe, especially if you have talent points in axe specialization, but to be honest, all of them are strong weapons. So pick whichever you like the most.
Congratulations on your new weapon, and best of luck in your leveling continue. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to assist you.
If you are interested in further reading, we recently published a detailed guide on building your own gaming PC.